Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Lottery, By Shirley Jackson - 1380 Words

â€Å"The Lottery† Would it feel good to the win the lottery? When people win the lottery, they are filled with excitement and joy, but this lottery is one that people would rather have no chance of winning. In Shirley Jackson’s short story â€Å"The Lottery† the members of a small town gather each year to hold a special event to see what â€Å"lucky† towns member will win the annual lottery. Each year the families of the town meet in the square and the head of each household draws a slip of paper to determine which family wins the â€Å"lottery.† The Hutchinson family has chosen the winning slip of paper and then the family draws amongst themselves to find the sole winner of the lottery. The short story, â€Å"The Lottery† begins with a beautiful day and all of the town members joking and laughing, but the actual dark meaning slowly starts to be revealed. â€Å"The Lottery† uses a joyful tone to show how people can become accustomed to a particular lifestyle , along with irony, the use of hidden symbols and foreshadowing to hint at the outcome of the story. The short story â€Å"The Lottery† uses a cheerful mood throughout the story even when everyone in the town knows that a terrible outcome is imminent. As the story begins, children are playing and gathering rocks while the adults start to gather at the town square. The day is beautiful, and the town’s people are laughing and joking with each other. The story describes the perfect day by setting a joyous mood, â€Å"The morning of June 27th was clear andShow MoreRelatedThe Lottery, By Shirley Jackson1195 Words   |  5 PagesOn the surface, Shirley Jackson’s short story, â€Å"The Lottery,† reads as a work of horror. There is a village that holds an annual lottery where the winner is stoned to death so the village and its people could prosper. Some underlying themes include: the idea that faith and tradition are often followed blindly, and those who veer away from tradition are met with punishment, as well as the idea of a herd mentality and bystander apa thy. What the author manages to do successfully is that she actuallyRead MoreThe Lottery by Shirley Jackson757 Words   |  4 Pagessucceed but many fail just like the main character Tessie Hutchinson in Shirley Jackson’s short story â€Å"The Lottery†. When someone hears the word â€Å"lottery†, he or she may think that someone will be rewarded with prize. But â€Å"The Lottery† By Shirley Jackson is different than what one thinks. In the story, a lottery is going to be conducted not like Mega Million or Powerball one play here. In the story, the person who wins the lottery is stoned to death instead of being rewarded with the prize. TessieRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson931 Words   |  4 PagesIn 1948 Shirley Jackson composed the controversial short story â€Å"The Lottery.† Generally speaking, a title such as â€Å"The Lottery† is usually affiliated with an optimistic outlook. However, Jackson’s approach is quite unortho dox and will surely leave readers contemplating the intent of her content. The story exposes a crude, senseless lottery system in which random villagers are murdered amongst their peers. Essentially, the lottery system counteracts as a form of population control, but negatives easilyRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson1504 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson In The Lottery Shirley Jackson fills her story with many literary elements to mask the evil. The story demonstrates how it is in human nature to blindly follow traditions. Even though some people have no idea why they follow these traditions. The title of the story plays a role in how Shirley Jackson used some literary elements to help mask the evils and develop the story. The title â€Å"The Lottery† serves as an allegory. When people think of the lottery majorityRead More`` The Lottery `` By Shirley Jackson894 Words   |  4 Pagesshort story â€Å"The Lottery†, author Shirley Jackson demonstrates Zimbardo’s concepts in three different areas: Authority figures, Tradition and Superstition, and Loyalty. The first concept Jackson portrays in â€Å"The Lottery† is the authority figures. Jackson indicates that the lottery is being held in the town center by one authority figure, Mr. Summers, annually on June 27th. Every June 27th, without fail, townspeople gather in the town square to participate in the annually lottery even though mostRead MoreThe Lottery, By Shirley Jackson1510 Words   |  7 PagesShirley Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery† illustrates several aspects of the darker side of human nature. The townspeople in Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery† unquestioningly adhere to a tradition which seems to have lost its relevance in their lives. The ritual that is the lottery shows how easily and willingly people will give up their free will and suspend their consciences to conform to tradition and people in authority. The same mindless complacency and obedience shown by the villagers in Jackson’s story are seenRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson8 11 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Lottery† was published by Shirley Jackson. The story was true expression of Jackson’s genuine thoughts about human beings and their heinous competence in an annual village event for corn harvest . First, her used to word symbolized main point of the story. Second, Jackson was inspired by few historical events happened in the past and a life incident in her life. Lastly, She was able to accomplish the connection between historical and biographical with the story. Therefore, Shirley Jackson’sRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson934 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson signifies the physical connection between the villagers and their unwillingness to give up their tradition. â€Å"The Lottery† is very unpredictable and quite misleading. The black box has no functionality, except every June 27th. Shirley Jackson depicts the black box as an important and traditional tool. Although the villagers in â€Å"The Lottery† are terrified of the goal of the lottery and the black box, they are unwilling to let go of the tradition. Shirley Jackson portraysRead MoreThe Lottery by Shirley Jackson799 Words   |  4 Pagesthe mood and to foreshadow of things to come. The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is a story in which the setting sets up the reader to think of positive outcomes. However, this description of the setting foreshadows exactly the opposite of what is to come. In addition, the theme that we learn of at the end leads us to think of where the sanity of some human beings lies. The story begins with the establishment of the setting. To begin, Shirley Jackson tells the reader what time of day and what time ofRead MoreThe Lottery by Shirley Jackson1764 Words   |  7 Pagesfilled with excitement and eeriness, leaving the reader speechless. The Lottery , a short story written by famous writer Shirley Jackson, created an uproar on June 26, 1948, when it was published in the magazine The New Yorker (Ball). The gothic thriller, set in an unknown time and place, shares the tradition of a small town, a little larger than three hundred people, in which a drawing is held once a year. In this â€Å"Lottery,† each family’s husband draws a slip of paper from a black box. The husband

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about The Causes of the American Revolution - 927 Words

The American Revolution was a major declaration of freedom and individual rights that inspired similar revolutions world wide. The underlying causes of the American Revolution were deep seated. Some of the contributing factors were the changes in thinking brought about by the Enlightenment, the theory of Mercantilism, the French and Indian War, and Englands inability to enforce its laws. The most important reason for the Revolution was Americas change in thinking as a result of the Enlightenment. Political philosophers such as John Locke began saying for the first time since ancient Greece that the government was there to serve the people, not the people to serve the government. If the government failed to serve and protect the†¦show more content†¦This was the economic system in which a Mother Country (Britain) starting colonies in other countries. These colonies provide the Mother Country with all the natural resources that it can not provide for itself, and would otherwise have to purchase from other European countries at a higher price. In turn, the Mother Country would sell their manufactured goods back to the colonies and around the world. This is not fully a disadvantage for the colonies. For a long time their populations were small and it was cheaper and easier for them to import most of their goods. However, Britains monopoly of raw materials was not always favorable towards the colonists. Perhaps the Portuguese or French were offering a better price on lumber or tobacco. How many colonists would actually refuse a foreign offer because England wouldnt make as much of a profit off of them? Also, as the colonial populations grew, it became wiser for them to start manufacturing more of their own goods. New England became an esteemed ship building center that rivaled or surpassed Britains. England repeatedly resisted manufacturing in the colonies. They even went as far as to pass laws such as the Wool Act of 1699, the Hat Act of 1732, and the Iron Act of 1750. These laws prevented the exportation of some textiles and all hats, and forbade the building of any new factories that produced iron products. This was done purely for English prosperity without regard toShow Mo reRelatedThe Revolution : The Cause Of The American Revolution1898 Words   |  8 Pages The American Revolution was the turning point for the colonies that made up the United States today. It was the war that freed the colonists from British control. But what actually caused the American Revolution? Well, there’s no simple answer to that question. In fact, most of the causes acted as if they were dominoes. These events can be categorized in four periods of time or setting. These groups are, Salutary neglect, Mercantilism, Boston, and Unity of protests. Salutary neglect was the ideaRead MoreCauses Of The American Revolution1202 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout history many revolutions took place, ranging from the unremarkable to a truly memorable, as the French revolution, the American Revolution, and the Bolshevik Revolution, but American revolution took place in 1775-1783. The revolution was different from other revolution because of growing tensions between residents of G reat Britain’s 13 North American colonies and the colonial government because American revolution was not like the others. This revolution was not like the others becauseRead MoreCauses Of The American Revolution738 Words   |  3 Pagesas the American Revolution, or the Revolutionary War. The American Revolution was a war between the colonists of America and Great Britain and they were fighting over the independence of America from Britain. This war lasted until 1781, when the British surrendered to the Americans, As a result, America is a fully independent country and it has stayed that way since that day. There were many causes of the war, The Stamp Act, the Boston Tea Party, and Lexington and Concord. The first cause of theRead MoreCauses Of The American Revolution913 Words   |  4 Pages While the american revolution was caused from taxes, it was also formed from the effects of a corrupt system of government. The effects of britains rule was a much bigger flame for the revolution then the taxes placed upon citizens. The american revolution was an event that will forever shape us as a country. It was a tough war filled with blood and brutal acts of violence, but it was also an awakening for the colonies that will later become the United States, it showed that while under a governmentRead MoreCauses Of The American Revolution880 Words   |  4 Pages The American Revolution is the most important time in all of American history. This brought the birth of a new country and the treasured constitution. In the beginning, colonists were proud to be British. In the years to come, there were small occurrences that bothered the colonists and led to the Revolution. Other countries contributed to the start of a crueller British control. The French and Indian War caused King George III to introduce expensive taxes (Pavao). These taxes came about becauseRead MoreCauses Of The American Revolution1335 Words   |  6 Pageswere multiple causes for the American Revolution, but the most important was the violation and deprivation of rights from the American People. The American people were faced with multiple acts and taxes that violated and took away their rights. Americans were continuously being taxed after the French and Indian War by acts like the sugar act, the stamp act, the Townshend acts,the tea act, and many more(Hedtke, et al., The Ame rican Saga). Despite all the taxes being placed on the Americans and the thingsRead MoreCauses of the American Revolution953 Words   |  4 PagesEmily Thou Mr. G./ Period 1 September 14, 2012 Causes of the American Revolution The American Revolution began in 1755 as an open conflict between the thirteen colonies and Great Britain. The Treaty of Paris had ended that war in 1783, giving the colonies their own independence. There are many factors contributing to the start of the Revolution, but the war began as the way The Great Britain treated the colonies versus the way the colonies felt they should be treated. For example, the FrenchRead MoreCauses Of The American Revolution886 Words   |  4 PagesThe American Revolution began on April 19, 1775. It was the war between Great Britain and its colonies located in the New World. The colonists, as many historians put it, were like children rebelling against the motherland; however, they had many valid reasons for this revolt, including their desire for freedom and independence. My World History textbook says freedom was falsely promised when the colonists had settled (Krull 868). The more direct causes of this widely known rebellion include taxesRead MoreCaus es Of The American Revolution1344 Words   |  6 PagesAmerican Revolution The causes of the American Revolution go back to the beginning of salutary neglect and the French and Indian War, as well as changes in the thinking of society. The effects of these events and other factors led to pressure within the colonies, ultimately resulting in rebellion. There were five factors to the nature of the American Revolution: The Environment, The Enlightenment, Self-Government, Economic Independence and Colonial Unity. The first factor that led to the AmericanRead MoreCauses Of The American Revolution813 Words   |  4 PagesCauses Before the American Revolution, any imports from England from us had to come in ships owned by the British. Also, we could only sell tobacco and sugar to England. The British took French territory in Canada, east of the Mississippi River, and Spanish Florida which led to the American Revolution. Due to the war, Britain went in debt so, the British government placed taxes on goods so they could make more money. But that’s not all that led to the American Revolution, both the us and the French

Movie Review Journey to Justice Free Essays

Movie Review: Journey to Justice â€Å"Journey to Justice† is a documentary about the issue of civil rights in Canada during the twentieth century. It focuses on the role of central people who took vital actions to end the issue of racial discrimination. The movie clearly portrays the experiences of black Canadians thorough interviews of key persons including Ray Lewis, Fred Christy, Stanley Grizzle, and Viola Desmond. We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Review: Journey to Justice or any similar topic only for you Order Now Throughout the twentieth century, key players in the black community continued to fight for their rights despite serious discrimination. Firstly, Ray Lewis was denied the job as a coach after he won a bronze medal in 1932 Olympics because he was Black, and had to satisfy himself with the job of a porter. Secondly, Fred Christy, who was refused to be served in a bar, took the matter to Supreme Court. However, the court ruled the matter against him and rhetorically, made racial discrimination legal. Thirdly, Stanley Grizzle was forced be a batman and a washroom cleaner when he joined the army during the second world war, until he fought for his rights with his commanding officer. This time however, he won and served as one of the best officers in the Canadian army. Moreover, when Hugh Brunette came to Dresden with his two American friends, he was not served in a restaurant, while his friends were. After this incident he created an organization called National Unity Organization to fight discrimination. In 1947, he challenged the local government to pass an equality law, which was passed on to the provincial government for voting, where the restaurant owner-a white, won the case once again. This created a controversy and the premier and a group of other minorities took this case to a higher level until the equality law was passed in 1950s. Lastly, Donald Willard, an immigrant fought with the government for three decades along with Negro Citizenship association and the Labour congress of Canada to change the way in which they accept immigrants. He argued that using racial origin in accepting immigrants to Canada is unlawful and stated that they should be viewed according to their education, skills and work experience and won the case. This case played an important role in making it one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. The point that the movie is trying to make is that issues cannot be solved if they are simply accepted. If no one stands up to fight for it as it the issue will continue to become more tense leading to even more serious effects. As in the movie, the issue of racism continued to worsen until some key people stood up to fight against racial discrimination of the Blacks. Finally, in the end they got the desired results. Not only were they able to pass a law stating discrimination is illegal, but they were also able to change the way in which immigrants were accepted to Canada. The contribution of Blacks, particularly Donald Willard, changed the way in which Canada is viewed – â€Å"The land of opportunities. † The movie is related to world issues in many ways. Firstly, it provides useful information in understanding the foundation of the issue of discrimination. Racism is an issue that is making headlines these days. For example, the rising resettlement against immigrants in Quebec and the war on terrorism, which is taking hundreds of lives today had it basis in racism. Many individuals from Islamic countries are questioned heavily by officials at American Airports after the terrorist attacks. Secondly, it openly reveals the hidden truths of the Canadian government and its political system including the Supreme Court which itself promoted racism by favouring the whites regardless of the issue or the case. These days political corruption is a major issue in developing nation particularly in south Asia and many part of Africa. Thirdly, this movie portrays the issue of Canadian Civil Rights movement, which is a movement that only a few Canadian are aware of. This movement is directly related to human rights – a growing issue in Asian countries today. Low-caste children all over Asia, more particularly India are forced to do child labour, similar to how blacks were forced to work on the rail road a century ago. Blacks were not given any other jobs because of their race and these children are deprived from education and proper jobs because of their caste. It is amazing, to see these countries making the same mistake that Canada made a few decades ago. Lastly, this movie touches on the issue of stereotyping. Even though it is not a big issue, individuals throughout the world use stereotyping to judge others, often in a negative way. This creates larger gaps between races. Even though the movie shows us that the issue of racial discrimination has ended, it still exists. It is true that the magnitude and seriousness of racism has declined but many groups of people suffer from bullying because of their race and ethnicity. For example, many â€Å"Brown† and â€Å"Asian† people are regarded as immigrants and are the victims of bullying in both schools only because they cannot quickly assimilate into the western society. ( Weakness of argument How to cite Movie Review: Journey to Justice, Papers